Battle for naboo rom wont work
Battle for naboo rom wont work

I just tested it again, and it is still working fine on my phone (normal dynarec mode). This game should not require interpreter mode, though (it is the only one of the Star Wars games that works in dynarec mode, at least on most phones). Also, when starting in interpreter modes, be sure to use Restart from play menu instead of Resume (save/ load state do not work in these modes). Note that this game uses the d-pad for menu navigation (Use Settings->Input->Touchscreen->Button layout->Both). is it only the video that is frozen, or both video and input?)

battle for naboo rom wont work

Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.By "crashes" do you mean the game shuts down and throws you back to the play menu (or app shuts down entirely), or do you mean the game either freezes or otherwise doesn't respond? If the latter, do you hear any audio? If so, do you hear audio for button presses etc (i.e. Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside (U) geometry problem Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside (E) geometry problem Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (U) unsupported

battle for naboo rom wont work

error(s):variousĭexanoid R1 by Protest Design (PD) unsupportedĭr. error(s):variousĬommand & Conquer (U) missing sidebar. error(s):variousĬommand & Conquer (G) missing sidebar. Just thought id send this which i came across, u may find in handy:īakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh (J) unsupportedĬommand & Conquer (E) missing sidebar. changed CF=3 and Enabling Audio fix stoped the random pausing Racing Simulation Monaco Grand Prix - Running great now max VI - will still look for the USA R though.īlast Corp - Running better now, changed the CF=3 max FPS but still has a slow feel to it when destroying buildingsīeetle Adventure Racing - Running a bit better now still a bit slow but playableīlades of Steel 99 - Running a bit better, Changes: PJ64 - Enable CLB - CF=2 Ridge Racer - Working great now - PJ64 - CF=2 - Change Memory & Cacheĭuck Dodgers - Got it working much better and still with A Sync on, its still a bit slow but playable now. Indy Racing 2000 - Working great now - Changes made were: CF=4 - Change Memory & Cache GT Championship Edition - now working with minor gfx glitchs, some crackle. WCW Backstage Assault - Running at max VI, better sound but it still a bit chopy. Offroad - Max VI now but still has a bit of the crackle. Star Wars SoE - It works sweet now (other then the menu flicker) - These settings did the trick: CF=3 & CLB=Off Changed the factor to 3 and now runs at max FPS Top Gear Rally 2 - Got it working much better.

#Battle for naboo rom wont work update

This update I just focused on getting some of the current listed games working better. perhaps another bad rom? I am going to re-download Sculptors cut & worms then will try things again, will let you know how it goes. with 1964 I can see the VI's so its doing soemthing but still no video showing. in PJ64 I get nothin it doesnt even load the video doesnt show any FPS, nor gives any error. Worms - Armageddon - I have still had no luck with this one. first thing I see is a memory error within the rom. iq_132 what is your rom properties? maybe I have something else set wrong in there I havent catched.įor the other two, Clay Fighter - Sculptor's Cut that one is a bad dump for sure. The fix that got me that bit further was, I enabled DMA Segments. thats in 1964 using the same Settings you posted.

battle for naboo rom wont work

using CF=1, I do get the random lockups like the RDB says, but the pause & resume fixes that.īlues Brothers 2000 - I did get some further progress here, I seen the first few logos, then it hangs after the 1 Player picture. GT Championship Edition - working decent - not quite sure what went wrong last time seemed to work np this time.

battle for naboo rom wont work

Indy Racing 2000 - works great now - changes made here were: Change Memory & Cache (this is what caused the freezing, I had it on Protect Memory) speed was better but still slow, changed the CF to 4 which gave a real nice boost in speed running at a stedy 55 fps & crisp sound. Out of the games you posted here got 2 of them working well so far. Lately I have been playing around with the Counter Factor which seems to really help many games & CLB also helps some. Thx guys, I am still fairly new to N64 roms so learning as I go

Battle for naboo rom wont work